Application for Studies at Metaphysical Academy

To enter in the study programs offered by Metaphysical Academy you must fill out this form and then make the payment corresponding to the program you apply for.


Application Statement

When filling out and submitting the form below, I agree to the following:
* I am an adult and I am at least 18 years old.
* I do not act on behalf of or in association with any law enforcement, press or religious organization.
* I give my consent to communication via email to the email address indicated below.
* I will follow the Policies and Procedures of the Temple of Nature and obey all published Rules.
* I understand that any falsification of data on this form will result in application refusal and that there will be no refund of any kind.
* I understand that donations for studies are non-refundable.

in the next fields you can upload up to 5 certificates